Dec 30, 2011

12:28 am

Dec 31
I have a few words for our  “unborn child”.
Please get out! I’m done carrying you in my belly.
No I’m not past my due date I have 18 days, but I’m ready NOW.  I’m excited to meet and snuggle our new baby.  I don’t really sleep @ night anymore and I miss the days of falling into bed and being asleep before my face hit the pillow.  I feel like a crazed insomniac.  There is nothing fun to do at night when the rest of the house is asleep.

I think our blog has suffered as result with random posts and a serious lack of good photos. Sorry.
 I don’t usually look forward to New Years Eve, but I’m not sure I mind this year.  I’m sure I’ll be able to make it till 12 without falling asleep. 
I’m so focused on having this baby I haven’t even thought about resolutions. Probably best to keep them out of my mind, as I know they would all be broken.

Here are a few Instagram photos.  I’ll be browsing Pinterest next!

  Christmas day on way to Grandma and Grandpas.
  Tells me she doesn't like Pomegranate, then eats the whole bowl
 Playing Snakes and Ladders with Uncle Don
  Loved how much my little brother looks like me!
  Joe makes it back from AZ and they bring over Marley's for breakfast!
   Made this hat, but Millie doesn't like hats so I'm not keeping it.
 Putting on her own boots!

Dec 22, 2011

Can't sleep

Here I am again.  Can’t sleep and not sure what to do.
If I were 12 I’d find my mom and have some bread and milk…
Or maybe a roast beef sandwich! Too bad I don’t have any left over Roast beef.

Instead I’m having a piece of wheat toast with @ least 2 tablespoons of butter.  I restrung the lights on the Christmas tree, and I must say it doesn’t look that bad, for a quick job. Here are a few photos- 


Dec 22nd I can’t believe how quickly its come. 
I’m almost done with Christmas shopping! Yay just need to find a
Dollhouse with a baby that bends and a high chair for the Nina!
I’m dreading Toys R Us…
Nate’s gift just needs to be wrapped and a few more loaves of bread to be baked.
Oh and putting the lights back on the tree! Yes they went out!
N8 had to cut them off… talk about looking like the Grinch.
Really would like to have this baby on Christmas.
Millie just came up to me and told me she wants to be “big” like me…
I said you mean like grow up? “Yes, but I can’t watch myself grow up.”
This girl sure asks a lot of questions! Cracks me up.

Dec 13, 2011

Santa isn't real

Let me start with, I was up from 2am to 4am. So I'm probably in no condition to be blogging! 
Truth be told I've wanted to blog about the joys of Christmas and how much I love the music and decorations and homemade goodies. Instead I find myself thinking about Santa.
I happen to think the whole "Santa" thing is a bunch of crap! I'm learning as a parent that kids don't naturally believe in all these fake people (the tooth fairy, Easter bunny etc.) so do why parents push kids to believe in these fake people? 
 Really why?
Millie saw Santa from a distance and it didn’t really do anything for her.  So I have decided, (oh where is Nate in all of this you ask?) He’s at work at the moment and I’m sure once he reads this he’ll really believe I’m the Grinch!  Nope I’m just 8 months Prego! (Kisses) Anyway back to my decision, to teach my child/children that Santa is pretend. As are the rest of those outrageous characters.  I plan to get credit for the gifts, money left under the pillow and stuffing eggs full of candy!   
Don’t worry I’ll tell her to pretend that she believes around other children as to not shatter the web of lies that their parents have taught them! 
Happy Tuesday 

Dec 7, 2011

Ah pregnancy brain

Late night blogging with some pregnancy brain…
When my husband reads this he’ll say “Did you run this in word?”  Yes dear I’m in word now. It just won’t fix my lack of writing skills.

I’ve been trying my best to get my energy back up. I’m sure my levels will peak, as I get closer to the end. Speaking of pregnancy I think about childbirth way too much!  Especially at the end of yoga when were supposed to relax and let our body “soak up the benefits of our practice." I mainly lie there and think about giving birth. Real relaxing huh? This week I’m ultra jealous of CJane. Her latest birthing experience is the best! I think babies at home is great and even better when the person you love the most is the one doing the delivering.  I’m so jealous that my first experience landed me with too much fear to again attempt a home birth.  At least for this one. 

Any way I wasn’t supposed to be blogging about that. Pregnancy brain is in full force this evening.
Millie is potty trained! Yay, she’s awesome, no accidents!
We got our Christmas tree up; I’m learning to love it, even though I really wanted a flocked one.

Nordic N8 is back @ Sundance despite that the Nordic center hasn’t opened yet due to lack of snow. He’s still keeping busy. I’m not too sad that there isn’t enough snow, if I can’t ski then no one should!  I’m enjoying yoga at 3b usually with Aunt Haley.  Speaking of Haley, Millie really loves her and I think it’s extra cute that she always includes her in her bedtime prayers.

Now that I’ve had way too many peanut butter cookies and Jay Leno is distracting me I better be done.  Night!

Dec 4, 2011

Nov 29, 2011

Coat drive

From now till Christmas we are doing a coat drive @ Metropolitan salon. 
I'm offering a discount of $15 off women's haircuts when you bring in a coat to donate.
Feel free to pass this info along to any one and everyone!
Please call me or text me to pre-book so I know if you are bringing a coat!

Nov 28, 2011


Big Girl Panties...

The Nina has been doing some growing up 'round here. The last few days she has been going on the “potty”. Luckily, Dad’s been home to deal with the aftermath...if you know what I mean.  

Today I was not so fortunate. As I was trying to scarf down my Frosted Flakes as fast as humanly possible, she announced that she had done her business. Oh yay! Nothing says breakfast like dumping contents from one potty to the next. When I went to clean it up she told me that some “got on the edge”. She wasn’t lying. It really did get on the edge and for some reason all I could think about was the Lady Gaga song "I’m on the Edge of Glory."  Seriously, I am. I’m so glad she is growing up and I’ll be so glad to not change diapers on a 2 year old. 

Nov 8, 2011

On my mind

Pregnancy brain….
I have a serious case of this going on right now.
I’m thinking of way too many things at once.
First thing is that I really want some Snickers ice cream, and a big glass of water.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Millie wont be an only child anymore. It makes me happy and sad all the same time. 
 She’s growing up too fast.  She’s started asking why to just about everything! Why are you cutting Joe’s hair? Because it’s too long. Why? Because it grew out. Why?
She calls confetti “Freddies” claiming I call it that as well.  She says “Last morning” instead of yesterday.  She also asks for a drink of water no less than 4 times when we put her to bed. Anything to prolong the process! 
Last night she came into our bed @ 3am and in the midst of playing with my hair told me  “I love your short hair mom”
Never mind on the ice cream (I got too lazy) Nutter butters instead.
I know I had more I was going to write about but the pregnancy brain is taking over. Oh, I remember, I read something from Cjane today that I liked. It was about pregnancy and sushi.  Sometimes I really appreciate her relaxed sensible style. 
I happen to like sushi too. 
I also need to get things in order for the upcoming babe.
I need to get a car seat, stroller, and some type of bed or crib for the little squirt to nap in.  Not to mention all the other little things… binkies, bottles, diapers, nose sucker, little socks.  Not really going anywhere with that just my to do list.
On that note I really have a lot more on my mind and my to do list.
Mail gift for baby Henry, I really have been driving around with it in my car for weeks now!  Clip mounds of coupons.  Get house organized (never ending chore)
Wash my car.  Find gift for baby Renfro. Uh Christmas…
Watch more Oprah Life class, I’m obsessed with her shows! 
A photo to end -

                    My Cowboy nina

Nov 7, 2011

Featured Stylist

I'm the featured stylist @ the salon this month! Head on over here
 I'll be taking some new clients this month so feel free to call or text me for a hair appointment @ 801-494-9462 

Oct 29, 2011


Tonight I'm listening as Nordic N8 reads stories to our little punkin and I can't help but feel grateful. I am so grateful that my sweet baby has such a wonderful father.  I also love that he can't resist the word punkin. He took this photo today.

Oct 21, 2011

A pirate's life

  Ever since I explained what Halloween was to Millie she told me she wanted to be a pirate.  I just never imagined she'd be such a cute one!

Oct 11, 2011

99 days...

'Til we get to meet the newest member of our family!  It finally hit me today that I'm not going to be pregnant for the rest of my life!  Sometimes it really feels like I will.  I'm not one of those women who LOVES to be prego.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just really think that it's crazy!  I know that the end result is "worth it" but 9 months of back pain, nausea and all the other glamorous pregnancy features I really could live without.  On that note, here is a picture of Mill's loving the baby.  I may have told her that the baby didn't like her hugs, just so she'd hug me.  Lately it seems the only way we can get her to do things that aren't on her busy agenda is to pretend we don't want what we really do want.

Oct 8, 2011

Oct 2, 2011

September Instagram

                                              Fishing @ Deer Creek
                                             Provo Canyon, awesome fall colors.
                                Girls day shopping & "coffee" with Mom. Of course it's strawberry milk.
                                              Mo fishing!
                                          Extreme couponing with Aunty Haley @ Walmart, way too late!

                                           A good harvest from the garden with my Nina.
                                          Daddy's backpack water is the best!
                                             Morning Yoga
                                          "I'm not tired" 2 minutes before this!
                                          Yuky carts @ Harmons. Please burn them, please!!
Now that September is officially over, I better post a few photos of some of our lovely activities. I love using Instagram, as my regular SLR camera is heavy and ancient.

Oct 1, 2011