Let me start with, I was up from 2am to 4am. So I'm probably in no condition to be blogging!
Truth be told I've wanted to blog about the joys of Christmas and how much I love the music and decorations and homemade goodies. Instead I find myself thinking about Santa.
I happen to think the whole "Santa" thing is a bunch of crap! I'm learning as a parent that kids don't naturally believe in all these fake people (the tooth fairy, Easter bunny etc.) so do why parents push kids to believe in these fake people?
Really why?
Millie saw Santa from a distance and it didn’t really do anything for her. So I have decided, (oh where is Nate in all of this you ask?) He’s at work at the moment and I’m sure once he reads this he’ll really believe I’m the Grinch! Nope I’m just 8 months Prego! (Kisses) Anyway back to my decision, to teach my child/children that Santa is pretend. As are the rest of those outrageous characters. I plan to get credit for the gifts, money left under the pillow and stuffing eggs full of candy!
Don’t worry I’ll tell her to pretend that she believes around other children as to not shatter the web of lies that their parents have taught them!
Happy Tuesday