Late night blogging with some pregnancy brain…
When my husband reads this he’ll say “Did you run this in word?” Yes dear I’m in word now. It just won’t fix my lack of writing skills.
I’ve been trying my best to get my energy back up. I’m sure my levels will peak, as I get closer to the end. Speaking of pregnancy I think about childbirth way too much! Especially at the end of yoga when were supposed to relax and let our body “soak up the benefits of our practice." I mainly lie there and think about giving birth. Real relaxing huh? This week I’m ultra jealous of CJane. Her latest birthing experience is the best! I think babies at home is great and even better when the person you love the most is the one doing the delivering. I’m so jealous that my first experience landed me with too much fear to again attempt a home birth. At least for this one.
Any way I wasn’t supposed to be blogging about that. Pregnancy brain is in full force this evening.
Millie is potty trained! Yay, she’s awesome, no accidents!
We got our Christmas tree up; I’m learning to love it, even though I really wanted a flocked one.
Nordic N8 is back @ Sundance despite that the Nordic center hasn’t opened yet due to lack of snow. He’s still keeping busy. I’m not too sad that there isn’t enough snow, if I can’t ski then no one should! I’m enjoying yoga at 3b usually with Aunt Haley. Speaking of Haley, Millie really loves her and I think it’s extra cute that she always includes her in her bedtime prayers.
Now that I’ve had way too many peanut butter cookies and Jay Leno is distracting me I better be done. Night!