Apr 28, 2012

Center Street

 Today as Nate was taking me to work (I love it when he drives me to work) Millie asked me what street my phone cover was on.
The reason she asked me this is because two days ago as we were out running errands I put my phone on top of the car and then proceeded to drive off not realizing it was up there. OOPS! As I made a left onto Center street Ranger Nate asked, "What flew off the car? Was that your phone?" Oh crap! It was my phone. I was so so so sad. I love my phone and have so much info stored in it I thought for sure it was gone forever.  Ranger Nate, being quick on his feet, suggested we go back to the intersection to retrieve it. We whipped around, switched drivers, pulled up and watched traffic wiz over my phone.  Luckily it hadn't been run over yet...  Then my sweet husband jumped out of the car into traffic and risked his life to save my phone! Thanks babe! He threw it in my lap and when I looked down, it barely had a scratch on it! I guess the iPhone is more durable than I realized.  Thanks Steve Jobs,  RIP.  Oh and yes...my phone cover split in two and is probably in a million little pieces by now on Center Street.

Just another reason to love my awesome husband.

Apr 27, 2012

Happy Friday

  Today I'm packing. Folding little baby clothes, and big three year old clothes. I forgot how fast the time goes by. 
Here's a couple photos from the last few weeks.

Apr 20, 2012

Catching up

            This month seems to be flying by. I have several photos to post and some are from a while ago! I'm currently taking a break from packing. I really hate packing but I'm very excited to  move! We will be moving to an elevation just above nine thousand feet.  Photos of our new crib soon to come. For now here's what we've been up to this month. 

                            Millie LOVES to run and has been showing us her awesome "running skills"!
         We've been enjoying the sunshine and letting Alfie soak up some much needed Vitamin D.
             Uncle joe came over and spent Easter with us.
                                                               Alfie is always happy after a nice bath.
                                       Enjoying the view up at Bridal Veil Falls.
              Been walking a lot with our good friends and baby Diddy.
   Nate and I snowmobile in to see our new home. Grandma Jan watched the kids for us
     and it was nice to be alone for a few hours.
                       Millie meets the Easter Bunny! 

Apr 17, 2012

April 16

       Some photos from yesterday.  Alfie and Diddy are 3 weeks apart.  Alfie is older but weighs one pound less then Diddy!

Apr 11, 2012

3 months

  Happy Three months to my sweet baby love.  What a fast three months it's been.  Alfie is such a good baby and a wonderful addition to our family.  Here is a photo of him from our Easter weekend. 

Apr 6, 2012

We got up too early

   Up at 5:30am doesn't work for me, unless this happens.

Apr 2, 2012


 For the month of April I've decided to venture outside of my usual eating habits.  

I learned to sprout and am LOVING the results.  Here is my first batch of Mung beans. 

                           On my homemade bread of course!

Apr 1, 2012


 This sweet baby boy is growing up so fast. Here is what he's been up to lately.