Big Girl Panties...
The Nina has been doing some growing up 'round here. The last few days she has been going on the “potty”. Luckily, Dad’s been home to deal with the aftermath...if you know what I mean.
Today I was not so fortunate. As I was trying to scarf down my Frosted Flakes as fast as humanly possible, she announced that she had done her business. Oh yay! Nothing says breakfast like dumping contents from one potty to the next. When I went to clean it up she told me that some “got on the edge”. She wasn’t lying. It really did get on the edge and for some reason all I could think about was the Lady Gaga song "I’m on the Edge of Glory." Seriously, I am. I’m so glad she is growing up and I’ll be so glad to not change diapers on a 2 year old.