Oct 11, 2010

Afternoon in the Canyon

We came prepared to fish, but ended up catching rays instead. There's nothing wrong with inactivity as your activity, so long as you are in the right place with the right people.

Here is a sample of photos taken of Millie throughout the afternoon.

Millie playing Peek-A-Boo (travel edition).

This shot sums up this little place we have made a tradition of visiting. For whatever reason, it usually goes unnoticed and we have it to ourselves.

Nature Nan, beautiful as always.

If it weren't for her excitement, her camo would allow her to blend right in.

How's your vision? Better than...a hawk? Good eyes Mandy on this one.

You've gotta know I'm happy in this photo.

Millie took turns hugging Mommy and Daddy while Mommy and Daddy took turns taking pictures of it.

My beautiful (and colorful) wife and daughter.

A cute shot of an independent little cub, with Daddy not too close by.

Oct 7, 2010


** We have been fishing a few times this year and I have not been able to keep up posting the photos. This is last week when we went to Payson lakes and it was absolutely gorgeous! The 1st photo is what a monkey does! Just in case you were wondering. **