Mar 25, 2012

Photo booth

   We had such a fun time celebrating Millie's third birthday. Thanks to all our friends and family for making it a special day.

Mar 22, 2012

Dr. Mom

Last night was not fun. 
Millie was ill and the majority of her complaining was due to an earache. 
Thanks to my doTERRA Melaleuca oil she was feeling better in no time and has not complained 
any more of ear pain!  If you haven't tried any doTERRA I strongly suggest you do! 
Have any questions feel free to email me.

Mar 21, 2012

About a boy

Alfie is now just a little over 2 months.
He loves smiling in the morning.
 He likes sleeping in his bed(his sister only liked sleeping in our bed).
He doesn't mind "tummy time" and sometimes we put the computer down on the ground so mema can record his
neck holding skills.

Millie loves to put her hair in his face and say that he loves playing with her hair.

Loves eating as well, he his 14lbs these days. If he's not fed in a timely manner he can be found snorting like a little piggy. 

He also has a "blowout" up his back almost every day.
In a picture below he can be seen sporting his sisters bunny shirt, as we were heading out for a family ski and he went threw 2 outfits within 15 minutes. 

As expected a lady later saw him in his cute pink outfit and told us that our new baby girl was beautiful. 

Mar 20, 2012

Time out

I'm currently in a stand off with my three year old. I want to go to Harmons and she wants to sit in her room and be disobedient. Whats a girl to do? All I want is to brush her nappy hair before we go, that way people won't think we are transients! I'm also insisting on an apology for not obeying in the first place. I wonder who will win... 

Mar 18, 2012

Baby Boys

 A little fun from Millie's party.

Mar 14, 2012

Mar 3, 2012

Four fabulous years

     Here we are without our kids.
Grandma Hawkes volunteered to watch the kids so we could have a date.
Thanks!!  The trees on the far right of this photo is where we got hitched.
I'm one lucky lady to have such a kind and handsome husband! Thanks for being so good to me babe. Xo